Wednesday Morning - Section A (30-Nov-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
159.0 61.46% MYRA WAINSTEIN - SHIRLEY SHER (4)0.06
251.0 53.12% LEILA SELBY - IAN TEMBY (3)0.04
343.0 44.79% RHONDA DENTON - AVRIL CLARK (1) 
439.0 40.62% PHILLIP LOPATA - DORIS COPE (2) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
157.0 59.38% SUE NADAS - SUE MADDEN (4)0.06
251.0 53.12% JANICE WRIGHT - EILEEN HILL (1)0.04
346.0 47.92% USHA KHURANA - LOUISE DOBSON (2) 
438.0 39.58% DIANA LYNCH - KAREN SMITH (3) 

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