Monday BBO Pairs HVBC (10-May-21) (10-May-21)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
324S ETD+2 48064
544S ETD+2 48064
6104S ETD+2 48064
7124H EKC-150 100
815S ETD+2 51028
1196S ETD+1 1010010
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
323D WKH-150 28
542C SAD+1110 64
6104D WAH-2100 46
7123C S5S+2150 100
815C SAD-2 200010
1193C S7H+1130 82
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
323H SJS-1 509.80.2
543NT W7H= 6000.29.8
6103C W7H= 1107.42.6
712 2D=Adjusted score55
812NT W4H+2 1802.67.4
1194H SAC-3 15055
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3116NT S4D=1440 82
5106NT N5C=1440 82
696NT NJC=1440 82
743NT S2D+3690 46
826NT S7S-1 10019
1216NT S9H-1 10019
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3112S E3H+1 14073
5104S E3H-2100 100
693S E3H+1 17046
743D NKS-2 20028
823S E3H= 14073
1212S E3H+4 230010
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
3113D EKS= 11082
5102NT W7C+1 15046
691NT EQC+1 12064
743NT EAS-1100 100
823NT E5C= 60028
1213NT E5C+2 660010
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
4103H N3S+1170 73
593H N8S+1170 73
633H N3S=140 37
713H N3S=140 37
8114H N3S=620 100
1223S WKH-1100 010
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
4101NT NJD=90 64
591NT NJD=90 64
631NT N4H+1120 100
711NT NJD-1 5028
8111NT NJD=90 64
1221NT N4H-2 100010
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
4103C S7S-1 5028
593C S7S-1 5028
632H EAC-2200 91
712H EAC-1100 64
8114S EAC-2200 91
1223C S6S-1 5028
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
123NT E7D+2 66046
493NT E7D+2 66046
533NT E7D+2 66046
7103NT E5D+2 66046
864H E9C= 620100
12113NT E8D+2 66046
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
124H EKS+1 45019
493NT EKS-150 100
535D W2S= 40055
7103NT E3S= 40055
862D W3C+4 17082
12114H EKS+1 45019
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
123C WAH= 11055
495CX WKH-2300 100
533C WAH+1 130010
7103C W2C= 11055
863C WKH= 11055
12113C WAH= 11055
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1111NT NKH+1120 91
432NT NKS=120 91
582D SJH+1110 46
722D NKS+1110 46
1093NT S2C-1 100010
1263D NKH=110 46
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1113H S3S+1170 100
434D W6D-2100 37
584C SAD=130 73
723DX W9H-1100 37
1093C SJC+1130 73
1262NT NKD-1 50010
Board 15
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1113NT S6H+3690 91
433NT S6C-1 100010
583NT S6C+1630 55
723NT S6C+1630 55
1093NT S6C+3690 91
1263NT STS=600 28
Board 16
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
161NT NKH+1120 010
2113H W7S-4400 82
482DXX SKC+2960 100
793D SKC+1130 37
1032D SKC+2130 37
1252H W7D-3300 64
Board 17
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
162H N8D-1 5055
2111NT N6C-1 5055
484CX EAS-2300 100
792H N8D=110 82
1031NT SAD-2 10019
1252H N8D-2 10019
Board 18
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
164H SKS+1650 37
2114H NKC+2680 82
484H NAH+2680 82
794H NKC+2680 82
1034H NAH+1650 37
1253H SKS+2200 010
Board 19
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
151NTX WAC-41100 100
263NT S7H-1 5037
4124S SAD-2 100010
7113NT N2C-1 5037
933NT NJS+1430 73
1083NT S5S+1430 73
Board 20
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
153NT W5S+3 69055
263NT EQH+2 66091
4123NT E7C+2 66091
7116C W4S= 1370010
933NT W5S+3 69055
1085NT W5S+2 72028
Board 21
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
156H W8H+1 10103.86.2
264H W8H+3 5109.80.2
4126H W4C+1 10103.86.2
711 =Adjusted score55
936H W5D+1 10103.86.2
1086H W4C+1 10103.86.2
Board 22
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144H E8D-1100 100
252HX ETC+1 870010
732NT E2D= 12073
982C ETC+2 13046
10122NT E6D= 12073
1163H E7S= 14028
Board 23
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
144S W2D= 620010
252S W5D+2 17055
733S W6C+1 17055
983S W5D+1 17055
10122S W5D+2 17055
1163H W5D= 140100
Board 24
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
142S N4H+4230 100
253D EAH-2100 010
732S N4H+1140 28
982S N4H+3200 64
10123S N2D+2200 64
1162S N4H+3200 64

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